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Sales Prospecting Fundamentals – Reaching Decision Makers

Sales Prospecting Fundamentals – Reaching Decision Makers

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What are you doing differently to reach that elusive B2B decision maker?

Every day I see more and more eye-catching sales headlines like: “Cold calling is dead.” “Direct mail doesn’t work.” “Emails don’t get read.” Etcetera, etc.

The truth is that these tactics still work. And there has never been a greater number of tools for sales and marketing professionals to reach and connect with their target market. I’m sure very few of you are still picking up a phone book and making dials from A-Z :)

I wanted to share some feedback that I’ve used to train my sales teams to ensure they make the most of their sales prospecting and connect with those important individuals who might just be too busy to respond.

So here are three tips I’ve found to help boost conversations and connect with B2B decision makers:

1. Work Smarter

There are still people who get a business list and without any rhyme or reason call and email every person incessantly. They pay no regard to titles and pitch the same memorized script over and over. If this used to work, it doesn’t any more. If you are doing this – Stop now. Put work into truly understanding your target market. Learn the space and get to know the type of businesses and individuals that are in a position to benefit from your service. Engage in conversation that is directly relevant to the person you are speaking to. For example, Chad Dickerson tells a great story about prospecting busy CEO’s on this blog post here.” A well thought out game plan will help you come across more professionally and people will respect you for it.

2. Get Creative

Use technology to your advantage. LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and even Facebook are viable options for finding potential buyers and learning if it’s worth giving them a call. Some profiles will offer full descriptions on what their job entails, what tools they use, and what they would like to see improve in the future. This helps determine if you should reach out in the first place, especially if you don’t have a well-targeted prospect list. Lastly – stop leaving the same boring voicemails and sending the same boring emails. Jazz up your emails, make your marketing material relevant to solving a business need, and try new tactics on the phone. Even if your creative plans backfire, it helps to fail a few times before you succeed.

3. Don’t Give Up

People live busy lives. Just because a sales prospect didn’t return your phone call or email does not mean there’s not a business interest. Remember the three “P’s” – professional, polite, and persistent. You don’t need marketing automation software to nurture leads and cultivate sales relationships (even though they can help when used correctly). Give your prospects time to digest the information you share with them. And then follow up. And then follow up again.

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